
Installing the Virt-Viewer / Remote-Viewer client

The new Remote Viewer connection feature (SPICE) is available on all virtual servers

The Remote Viewer client is used to connect to the remote desktop of a virtual server. It works over the SPICE protocol, connecting directly to the virtual server display without using the resources of the virtual server itself.

We recommend this method of connection to work with the remote desktop. It is the most productive and allows you to work comfortably in the browser, various programs, play audio and even video.

Below you will find detailed instructions on how to install the client.

Installing the Spice Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Debian client

The Spice client is available in the Debian repositories, to install it we need to run the command

sudo apt install virt-viewer

To connect to the virtual server you need to download the connection file and run the command

remote-viewer filename.vv

Installing the Spice CentOS 8 client

sudo dnf install virt-viewer

To connect to the virtual server you need to download the connection file and run the command

remote-viewer filename.vv

Installing the Spice Arch Linux / Manjaro client

sudo pacman -S virt-viewer

To connect to the virtual server you need to download the connection file and run the command

remote-viewer filename.vv

Installing the Spice Widnows client

To connect to Spice in Windows use the application virt-viewer, the latest version you can find on the official page.

After installing the client, all .vv files will be automatically associated with the virt-viewer application and after downloading the file from the client panel, it will be immediately opened in the client.

Installing the Spice macOS client

brew tap jeffreywildman/homebrew-virt-manager
brew install virt-manager virt-viewer

To connect to the server, download the file in the client panel and run the command

virt-viewer filename.vv

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